Avengers: Age of Ultron – Hype Without Substance?

Avengers_Age_Of_Ultron-poster1I know this film has been out for a short while now and the fact I’m reviewing now is more of a testament to by procrastination rather than anything else, but nevertheless I shall, finally, be reviewing the hype-tastic Avengers: Age of Ultron! But you guys know what’s coming first, although I don’t see why I’m even bothering since we’ve all seen the trailers and probably the film itself, but here’s the obligatory overview! Continue reading “Avengers: Age of Ultron – Hype Without Substance?”

The Sweeney – Criminally Crap

I had been planning to do this review for a little while, having seen the film a few weeks ago, but I’ve been spurred into actually doing it when I saw a review by Eddie on Jordan and Eddie, a WordPress film reviewing page which I suggest you have a look at, and even follow if you think it’s good enough, which it Imageis: http://jordanandeddie.wordpress.com/. Eddie however made a tiny fault. He thought the film was good. Now I’m going to put the record straight with my own review which I hope will show Eddie the error of his ways and show the rest of those who stumble upon this blog why The Sweeney is not just bad, but a terrible film.

Continue reading “The Sweeney – Criminally Crap”