Zootopia – Furnomenal

12370858_1022009524529272_3848413103110276642_oOh God I can’t believe I used that as a headline, but in any case  Zootopia is finally out and, after hyping myself up about it from trailers, the furry fan art all over tumblr, and the interesting plot, I was pretty excited to see this film. To be honest the only thing that irked me going into this film was that it was called Zootropolis in the UK and while it’s not a bad name it just doesn’t sound as good as Zootopia. Still, with that minor irritant, I went in quite positive for Disney’s latest endevour.   Continue reading “Zootopia – Furnomenal”

Tearaway Unfolded – A Personally Crafted Experience

81BMqKqbJKL._SL1500_Sometimes come out of nowhere and burrow themselves into your brain, constantly pressing itself against your hippocampus so that you constantly think about until you finally break down in tears and rush to the nearest shop/computer and buy it to stop the incessant nagging on your cranial lobes. Tearaway Unfolded is one such game and, just to get my bias out of the way right now before people accusing me of it, yes I am reviewing Rex Crowle’s game after hyping up his Kickstarter game Knights and Bikes, but so what?!

Continue reading “Tearaway Unfolded – A Personally Crafted Experience”