No-English Moviember – Good Bye, Lenin!

So here we are, the end of No-English Moviember. I hope you’ve enjoyed our international journey as much as I have. We’ve had some great films, some of my own choice and some by the choice of brilliant bloggers. I’m almost embarrassed to admit it but, without those suggestions, I think this month may not have been as good as it has been.

The Animation Commendation’s Danish film Jagten and Writer Loves MoviesIntouchables have really helped me build the standard of this month and introduced me to movies I, in all likelihood, would never heard or seen at all. But that’s what this month has been about, getting deserved exposure to non-English films we may never have seen otherwise. So, again thank you. Continue reading “No-English Moviember – Good Bye, Lenin!”

No-English Moviember – Intouchables

713491IntouchablesSo we have come to the penultimate review of No-English Moviember, unless someone suggests another film to review which will be good in that people want me to do more, but bad as it will make the phrase “penultimate review” a complete fabrication.

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No-English Moviember – Jagten

jagten-filmen-dvd1-jagten-film-review-2012Before watching Jagten (English: The Hunt), I had very limited knowledge of what the film’s plot was. Aside from a brief description from IMDb saying it was a drama where a man’s life is turned upside-down by one lie, I was left in complete ignorance as to what was about to occur.

Preferably, I’d like you all to be in this state of unknowing when, and if, you watch the film but since I’m reviewing it I might as well give you a review which, to the best of my abilities, conveys the spectacle which I was about to witness.

Continue reading “No-English Moviember – Jagten”

No-English Moviember – Wadjda

Wadjda_(film)And so we come to the second installment of this month of No-English Moviember and I can already tell that we’ve had enough of this Eurocentric view of non-English films. So I have ventured far to shirk off the usual familiarity that European films give to me the first film shot entirely in in Saudi Arabia, as well as the first by a female director, the Saudi Arabian-German film Wadjda.

Continue reading “No-English Moviember – Wadjda”

No-English Moviember – Ernest et Célestine

ernest-et-celestineHello there and welcome to the inaugural post of No-English Moviember! This has been plaguing me for months and to finally have the chance to do it is absolutely wondrous. Not only that, but I get to kick off this month with a review of one of the best animated films to come out in recent years, the French-Belgian comedy-drama Ernest et Célestine.

Continue reading “No-English Moviember – Ernest et Célestine”