The Polls Are Closed! – Future Chronic Chronicler Reviews

Well it’s been a week and I think it’s time to close the polls. Thank you to everyone who took time and answered my question, both here and on my personal Facebook account, I really appreciated it! So here it comes, the point of why I asked all you lovely people what was your favourite DreamWorks Animation film.


Of all the people who answered, only one person chose a non-computer animated DreamWorks film. Yes, only one. I’m actually surprised I got one. But the point of this is that, does anyone remember the traditionally animated DreamWorks films. Without googling it, just try and think of any of them. Thought of any? Know how many there are? There’s not many. Ok, here they are:

Continue reading “The Polls Are Closed! – Future Chronic Chronicler Reviews”

Your Chronicler Needs You!

Hello there! This is just a brief sally forth into the breach of blogging because I just want to ask my wonderful audience a question. I’d like you to answer honestly and without looking at Wikipedia for inspiration.

Just from the top of your heads, I’d like YOU to answer this question:

What is your favourite DreamWorks Animation Film?

Lord Kitchener Demand You Answer The Chronic Chronicler’s Question!

Continue reading “Your Chronicler Needs You!”