John Wick – Reeves Rampage

john-wick-poster1Considering the last thing I saw Keanu Reeves in was the awful, dull, depressing, dull, unimaginative, dull, unnecessary, and desperately dull remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still, I thought the days of the eternal Reeves were over and that we could only reminisce of when things were excellent and he would always choose wisely, both with pills and films.

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A Most Wanted Man – A Most Methodical Espionage

A-Most-Wanted-Man-1So going into this film, I had not yet realised that this would be the last film I would see Philip Seymour Hoffman in outside of the last two Hunger Games films. It is strange to think that, despite his death early in the year, his works will continue to come out until 2015.

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The Sweeney – Criminally Crap

I had been planning to do this review for a little while, having seen the film a few weeks ago, but I’ve been spurred into actually doing it when I saw a review by Eddie on Jordan and Eddie, a WordPress film reviewing page which I suggest you have a look at, and even follow if you think it’s good enough, which it Imageis: Eddie however made a tiny fault. He thought the film was good. Now I’m going to put the record straight with my own review which I hope will show Eddie the error of his ways and show the rest of those who stumble upon this blog why The Sweeney is not just bad, but a terrible film.

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The Purge: Brilliance Just Out of Reach

poster1The Purge is set in the not too distant future in America where, under the “New Founding Fathers”, for 12 hours between June 7th and June 8th, all laws are suspended and all help withheld, allowing everyone the opportunity to purge their negative emotions on one day with the goal being that of maintaining low unemployment and crime levels throughout the rest of the year.

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