To All My Chroniclers

Hello everyone! Now you may have guessed that this isn’t a review and I’d like to apologise about that. I have felt really unproductive after getting back into the swing of things in May by doing a large amount of reviews. However since then I feel June has been lacking in content and I’ve only got myself to blame for that.

The reason I’ve dropped in the quantity of reviews is that during May I was revising for my exams (which were late May and early June) and while I was doing that I was able to be in the mood to write a lot of reviews while I was taking a break from the depressing, seemingly never-ending downward spiral that is revision. I’d rather be productive with my breaks than not, though I still found myself glued to YouTube videos as well because, you know, I’m human after all. Just.

Continue reading “To All My Chroniclers”

Titan A.E. – Simply Squandered

Titan_AE_One_SheetSo my vision after finishing my review of Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas was to be ultra-productive. I was going to start a book, game and film review all within a week to be put up over three weeks, Then my body went “Hey, this is the perfect time to have the mother of all colds.” So for the past week I’ve been surrounded by tissues, Lemsip, lots of drinks and more tissues. But now I’m coming out of the constant sneezing and coughing so I can get around to writing my reviews!

Continue reading “Titan A.E. – Simply Squandered”

Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas – Sailing Away Over the Traditional Animation Horizon

sinbad - legend of the seven seasWell here we are, the end of traditional animation, or at least, the end of DreamWorks traditional animation efforts. I apologise at how long it’s taken me to produce these reviews but I hope you’ve been able to bear with me through all of this. But since it is the end let’s see how this ends, with a whimper or with a bang.

Continue reading “Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas – Sailing Away Over the Traditional Animation Horizon”

My 1st Anniversary for The Chronic Chronicler!

Well I didn’t expect this. On Monday 2nd June 2014, an odd thing occurred. If you have keep-calm-it-s-our-first-anniversaryread the title of the article then you might have just about guessed what this is about. I have, amazingly, managed to keep this blog going for a year. That frankly has astonished me, yet what has astonished me more is that people have read this blog, given me feedback and showed their support by following this blog. So in honour of this milestone I shall host a completely not-fake interview with distinguished interviewer Sir James Tal. Continue reading “My 1st Anniversary for The Chronic Chronicler!”