Ratchet & Clank (2016) – The Obligatory Reboot

Ratchet_and_Clank_coverLooking back at my Ratchet & Clank review I made two years ago where I, with a great amount of hubris, promised to review all my Ratchet & Clank games (never happened) and I also urged you to get the revamped version of the classic for the PS4. Well the game has been out for a little over two weeks and, while the film has performed about as well as a outdoor barbecue in a hurricane (though I will still watch it if I get the chance), my hopes have been riding on the game being the anchor that successfully secures the franchises place in the new generation.

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Tearaway Unfolded – A Personally Crafted Experience

81BMqKqbJKL._SL1500_Sometimes come out of nowhere and burrow themselves into your brain, constantly pressing itself against your hippocampus so that you constantly think about until you finally break down in tears and rush to the nearest shop/computer and buy it to stop the incessant nagging on your cranial lobes. Tearaway Unfolded is one such game and, just to get my bias out of the way right now before people accusing me of it, yes I am reviewing Rex Crowle’s game after hyping up his Kickstarter game Knights and Bikes, but so what?!

Continue reading “Tearaway Unfolded – A Personally Crafted Experience”

Give This Game Some Love (and Money, also Money)

photo-originalHello everyone! So I know that people advertising blatantly to you is at best a mild irritant and at worst the final aneurysm that will do you away but please hear me out!

Over on Kickstarter there is a game for PC, Linux, Mac, and PS4 from Rex Crowle and Moo Yu from the newly formed company Foam Sword Games. Haven’t heard of them? Well they have worked on other awesome games like Ratchet & Clank, LittleBigPlanet, and Tearaway are making what seems to be a truly awesome hand drawn RPG game called Knights and Bikes
Continue reading “Give This Game Some Love (and Money, also Money)”

Broken Age – Wholly Wonderful

2398078-7910445654-DoublPoint and click adventure games had been a complete mystery to me, appearing to be a thing that was eternally referenced in game journalism which consistently meant nothing to me. Cries of a time when games like Monkey Island, King’s Quest and Grim Fandango ruled the critical gaming world of the 80s and 90s, only to die an innocuous death in the new millennium, appeared to me something as if it was a forgone conclusion that the point-and-click adventure genre was fantastic medium, but one that was of its time. Continue reading “Broken Age – Wholly Wonderful”