Heroes: Reborn – Oh We Can Be Heroes… Just For One Day

If ever there was a moment whether the compulsion to laugh or cry is confused, this is certainly it. With this whole fad of reboots and revivals of films and TV shows in recent years (i.e.: RoboCop, Man of Steel, Hawaii Five-0, 24, etc.), Heroes, the amazing show with a different perspective on superheroes, or rather super-powered people, which subsequently deteriorated quicker than M. Night Shyamalan’s career, is back once again on NBC for a thirteen episode miniseries set to run in 2015 as Heroes: Reborn.

OK I’m sorry I’m a bit late with this news as I’ve been busy and I was really tempted not to say anything on this since I’m supposed to be on hiatus, but it’s Heroes so the inner recesses of my blackened and bile filled remnants of my critic heart where a smidgen of love for the series resides is making me do this. But if you haven’t heard of this revival of the famous, or infamous, super-powered TV show, here’s a trailer.

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