keep-calm-and-oh-fuck-it-i-have-100-followersWell since I’ve hit a landmark I’ve decided to give myself a self-congratulatory post. 100 Followers!!! When I started this blog last June, I saw it as another way to get my posts from my University reviews for the student papers, Forge Press, an audience outside the University. Now I’m writing original reviews and, if they’ll take them, reviews from here are going to Forge Press instead of the other way round! Hurrah for progress!

I would just like to thank you all, yes you my followers, for finding my blog enjoyable enough to have clicked on that follow button. I know you all may not think it, but it makes me smile to see that a new someone has decided to follow my blog, no matter whether they are an established behemoth of a blogger, or a new blogger starting out trying to advertise your existence by following other bloggers. Hey, that’s how I did it!

I’m in no way putting myself into the behemoth category, but thank you everyone for showing your appreciation of my blog! I hope you’ve enjoyed all my stuff and I look forward to posting more stiff in the future for you all to read and share all your thoughts with me, be they messages of agreement or vehement disapproval. I shall greet them all!

I’m doubly surprised that I’ve managed to keep people following despite my long and sporadically kept hiatus, but I thank you all for bearing with me and for your continued readership! As promised in my last article, I shall be returning on April 9th with the first of my traditionally animated DreamWorks reviews so I hope you are all looking forward to it!Thankyou

But now I shall leave you all with the knowledge that you’ve made my day whenever I’ve had a little notification telling me someone has decided I’m good enough to follow. I shall see you all every Wednesday (hopefully) from the 9th! Until then: ——>

5 thoughts on “100 Followers!!!

    1. Congratulations on your milestone! Yeah, I get what you mean. It feels like I’m not just plugging into the void anymore and what I say will at least be read (or skimmed) by people, so I’ve got to at least try and put good content out there.


  1. The Otaku Judge

    Congrats on hitting a ton of followers. I am eight shy of hitting that landmark, which is a surprise because last time I checked I only had 40 subscribers.


    1. Thank you! I expect you’ll be ahead of me in no time seeing how good your blogs are! And no that wasn’t sarcasm or praise greater than actual worth, that was sincerity, a thing I haven’t used in a while so it looks old, moldy and maybe needs replacing but it’s still true.


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